Target Fungal :Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Fruit rot, Powdery mildew Early & Late Blight, Late Bight, Downy mildew, Powdery mildew, Blight & Powdery mildew
Dose: 150-200 ml./ Acre
Packing: 100ml. 1250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Fungal : Fruit rot, Powdery mildew & Dieback, Purple blotch, Sheath blight, Downy mildew & Powdery mildew, Scab, owdery mildew and Pre Mature Leaf fall disease
Dose: 200-250 ml./ Acre
Packing :100ml. 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Systemic action fungicide (Triazole group). Buonos fungicide (Tebuconazole)is the demethylase inhibitor, which inhibits the reproduction and further growth of fungus.
Packing : 100ml. 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Fungal :Blast, Sheath Blight, Powdery Mildew, Fruit Rot, Tikka and Rust. Systemic Fungicide
Dose: 200-300ml. / Acre
Packing: 250 ml. 1500 ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest: It is a systemic fungicide and delivers both curative and preventative control of diseased plants. bacteria, and viruses affecting plants.
Dose:250-400gm Per Acer
Packing : 100gm. 250gm. 500gm.
Target Fungal : It control powdery mildew and rot diseases, fungal effect recover
Dose : 500 gm./ Acre
Packing : 250 gm. 500 gm.
Target Pest: Systemic fungicide absorbed rapidly by the roots, with translocation through the plant.
Dose : 120-150gm per acre
Packing :100gm. 250gm.
Target Pest: It has excellent protective activity for both Sheath blight and Blast diseases management on Rice.It applications leads to healthy crop
Dose : 250-400ml Per Acre
Packing : 100ml. 250ml. | 500ml. I 1 Ltr.
Target Weed: It is systemic in rice and will control rice blast disease , vegetable, fruits and plantation.
Dose: 300-400ml Per Acre.
Packing : 100ml. 250ml: 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Fungal :controls the diseases of crops like blast,stem rot, root rot, anthracnose, leaf spot, scab, leaf spot.coller rot.
Dose: 250-500GM PER ACRE
Packing: 250gm 500gm. 1 kg
Target Fungal : Control of a wide range of fungal diseases such as mould, spot, mildew, scorch, rot and blight in a powdery mildew varkety of crops
Dose : 250-300ml Per Acre
Packing : 250gm. 500gm. 1 kg.
Target Pest : Blast, sheath blight Leaf spot & rust blight, powdery & downy mildew
Dose: 250-500gm/acre
Packing : 250gm. 500gm. 1 Kg.
Target Pest: Early and late Blight, Blight, Downy mildew, leaf spot, damping off, fruit fot sigatoka Tikka and rust
Dose : 300gm-1 kg./acre
Packing : 250gm. 500gm. 1 Kg
Target Pest: to control plant diseases caused by Oomycete fungi.
Dose : 300-400gm/Acer
Packing : 250gm. 500gm. 1kg
Target Weed :control leaf spot and rust disease of different types of crops like potatoes, chili, cauliflower, cabbage, peas, groundnut, paddy, wheat, sugarcane, etc
Dose: 100-150ml Per Acre
Packing : 250gm. 500gm. 1kg
Target Pest :Used for the control of sheath blight and sheath rot on Paddy, Anthracnose and Powdery Mildew on Chilli.
Packing: 50gm. 100gm. 250gm. 500gm.
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