Target Pest : Controlling the foliage growth. Increasing flowering results to increase yield.Early flowering with early & enhanced fruit maturity. Development of better fruit color and size.
Dose: 50-500ml per acre as per crop
Packing : 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest : Controlling the foliage growth. Increasing flowering results to increase yield. Early flowering with early & enhanced fruit maturity. Development of better fruit color and size.
Dose : 30-150ml acer as per crop
Packing : 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest: Improve coloration and accelerates uniform ripening of fruits like pineapple, mango tomato. Helps in breaking alternate bearing of mango and induces profuse flowering.
Dose: 150-250 ml/Acre
Packing : 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest: Improves flowering and fruiting in Plants.It increases photosynthesis and uptake of minerals.It speeds up cytoplasmic streaming and transport in cells.
Dose:250-300ml Per Acre
Packing : 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Growth: Paddy, Sugarcane, cotton, groundnut, banana, cabbage, cauliflower, mulberry, onion, PGR- Plant Booster grapes, brinjal & kra.
Dose:250-300ml Per Acre
Packing : 500ml. 1 Ltr.
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