Target Pest : Boll Worms, All Type of larvicides Fruit & Shoot Borer, Fruit Borer, Mites, Pod Borer, Thrips, Tea Looper.
Dose : 100-150 gm. Per Acre
Packing : 50gm. 100gm. 250gm. 500gm.
Target Pest : Boll Worms, Fruit & Shoot Borer, Fruit Borer
Dose : 200-250 ml./Acre
Packing : 250ml 500ml. 1 Ltr
Target Pest :Control stem borer, gall midge, leaf folder, brown planthopper (BPH), tea mosquito bug, and tea semi looper bug sucking pests like aphids jassids and thrips etc.
Dose : 125-150 gm per Acre
Packing : 100gm. 250gm. 500gm.
Target Pest : Jassid, Aphids, Whitefly, Thrips, BPH, WBPH, GLH, Stem borer, gall midge, Leaf Folder, Hoppers, Mosquito bug, Psylla, Sucking pest control.
Dose : 100-150 gm./ Acre
Packing :100gm. 250gm. 500gm. 1kg.
Target Pest : Jassid, Aphids, Whitefly, Thrips. Termite, Shoot fly. Stem Fly.
Dose : 150 to 300ml. / Acre
Packing : 500 ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest : Aphids, Jassids, Thrips and Bollworms Semilooper, Tea osquito Bug, Whiteflies, Fruit Borer Shootfly. Stem Borer, Leaf Hopper, Leaf ating Caterpillars, Stem Fly. Semilooper, Girdle Beetle
Dose :200-300 ml./ Acre
Packing : 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest : Prevent and control the cabbage, chillies, red gram, rice, from DBM, caterpillar, Borer and other insects etc
Dose : 300-500ml/Acer
Packing : 100ml. 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest : It kills American Bollworm, Fruit-Pod Borer, Diamond Back Moth, Tobacco Caterpillar
Dose : 150-400 ml Per Acre-[As Per Crop]
Packing : 100ml. 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Fruit Borer, Pod Borer, Bollworm, Fruit Borer, Diamond Back Moth
Dose :150ml to 250ml Per Acre-[As Per Crop]
Packing : 100ml. 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Systematic insecticides and recommended for the control of Brown plant hopper in Rice crop
Dose : 120-150gm Per Acre
Packing : 50gm. 1100gm. 250gm. 500gm.
Target Pest : Brown Plant Hopper, Green leaf Hopper, White Backed Plant Hooper,
Dose :150-200gm Per Acre
Packing : 50gm. 150gm.
Target Pest : Brown Plant hopper, Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, and Whitefly
Dose : 100-150 gm/acre
Packing :50gm. 1100gm. 250gm. 500gm.
Target Pest : Stem Borer, Leaf Folder, Thrips.
Dose : 20-50gm per acre
Packing : 100gm. 250gm.
Target Pest : Aphids, Jassids, Colarodo Potato Beetle, Brown Plant hoppers (BPH), Rice Hoppers, Termites, Whiteflies, Thrips, White backed planthoppers (WBPH), Green Leaf Hoppers (GLH), Sucking Pests, Leaf Miner, Stem Borer, Leaf Folder, Hispa, Pyslla, Fruit borers, Bollworms. Diamond Black Moth
Dose : 50-120gm per acre-As Per Crop
Packing : 50gm 100gm. 250gm.
Target Pest : Red mites, thrips and all sucking Pests
Dose :150-200ml Per Acre
Packing : 100ml. I 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest : Steam Borer, Diamond-back moth, Early shoot borer, Thrips.
Dose :400-600 ml./ Acre
Packing :250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :controlling stem borer and leaf folder in rice and termites and early shoot borer pests in sugarcane.
Dose : 4 kg/acre
Packing : 4 kg (Pouch)
Target Pest :Stem Borer, Brown Plant Hopper Leaf Folder, Whorl Maggot, Green Leaf Hopper, White Backed Plant Hopper, Gall Midge, Early Shoot Borer, Root Borer
Dose : 5 kg/acre
Packing : 5 kg (Pouch)
Target Pest : control ricehoppers, thrips, termites, turf and soil insects, and some beetle species.
Dose :20-30gm Per Acer
Packing : 30gm. 150gm. 100gm.250gm.
Target Pest : sucking insects, including Leaf/Plant hoppers, aphids, Thrips and White flies. It is also effective against soil insects, Shoot Fly, termites & some species of biting insects.
Dose :1-12 ml/1 Kg [As Per Seeds]
Packing :100ml. 250ml. 500ml.
Target Pest :Jassid, Aphids, Sucking pest, Green white, WBPM, GLH, Termite, Leaf miner, Psylla.
Dose :100-200 ml./ Acre
Packing : 50gm. 100gm. 250gm. 500gm.
Target Pest :Jassid, Aphids, whitefly, BPH, WBPM, Termite, Leaf Miner, Psylla, Flea Bettle.
Dose :150-350 ml./ Acre
Packing :250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Stem Borer, Hispa, Plant Hopper, Gundhi Bug
Dose :250-300ml Per Acre
Packing :100ml. 1 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Miticides, Thrips,Sucking Pest
Dose :150-300 ml./ Acre
Packing :250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Mitticides, Thrips, Sucking Pest
Dose :150-350 ml./ Acre
Packing :500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Thrips, Fleabeetle Bollworms, Fruit Borer, Stem Borer, Leaf Folder, Shoot and Fruit Borer, Fruit Borer, Thrips and pod borer
Dose :200-300 ml. / Acre
Packing : 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Jassids, Ballworm, Stem borer, Leaf Folder, Plant Hopper and green leaf hopper, Aphids
Dose :250-500 gms/acre
Packing :250gm. 500gm. 1 Kg.
Target Pest :Control ants, beetles, cockroaches, fleas, ticks, termites, mole crickets, thrips, rootworms, weevils, armyworms, aphids, beetles, and other insects
Dose :200-400 Gm Per Acre [As Per Crop]
Packing : 250gm. 500gm.1 kg.
Target Pest :Fruit borers, Caterpillars, Weevils, Aphids, Thrips, White Flies, Mealybugs, etc.
Dose :300-500 Gm Per Acre
Packing :250gm. 500gm.1 kg.
Target Pest :control ants, beetles, cockroaches, fleas, ticks, termites, mole crickets, thrips, rootworms, weevils, mealybugs, leafhoppers and whitefly and other insects
Dose :300-500ml Per Acre
Packing :250ml. 500ml.1 Ltr.
Target Pest :BPH, Whiteflies, Aphods, Jassids, Thrips, Yellow mite, Hoppers.
Dose :250-500ML PER ACRE
Packing :250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Boll worm, Whitefly, Stem Borer, Leaf Folder & Green Leaf hopper Termites
Dose : 300ml to 500ml Per Acre
Packing :250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :control pests such as mites, ants, weevils, afminer, beetles, bollworm, fruit borer, leaf folder, stem borer, green leaf
Dose :200-400ml Per Acre
Packing : 250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Insects and pests such as Hopper,jassid, shoot borer, Aphids, Thrips, Mites, Mealy bugs and White flies.
Dose :200-300ml Per Acre
Packing :250ml. 500ml.1 Ltr
Target Pest :Broad Spectrum Insecticide for Aphids, Jassids, Thrips & hiteflies
Dose :100-250ml Per Acre
Packing :100ml. 250ml. 500ml.
Target Pest :Effective against aphids (Aphis gossypii) thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis) and mites (Polyphagotarsonemus latus) and resistance/resurgence of target sucking pests like aphids, jassids, mites and thrips.
Dose : 250ml to 500ml / Acre
Packing :250ml. 500ml.1 Ltr.
Target Pest :All types of Boll worms (American Boll worm, etc) on cotton and leaf eating and fruit boring caterpillars in a wide range of crops like vegetables, pulses etc. It is also effective against white flies on cotton and vegetables
Dose :200-350 ML Per Acre,
Packing :250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Used to control Red spider mite, purple mites, yellow mite, thrips, scale, White fly, bollworms, Pod borer, Girdle beetle & stem fly on different crops.
Dose :300-500ML per acre
Packing :250ml. 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Tobacco Caterpiller, Spotted bollworm, American bollworm, Pink bollworm, Pod borer Thpips.
Dose :300-600 ml./ Acre
Packing :500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Aphid, Whitefly, Jassid, Thrips, Semi looper & Girdle beetle, Bollworm.
Dose :300-500ml. / Acre
Packing : 500 ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Aphid, jassids, thrips, whitefly, tobacco caterpiller, spotted bollworm, american bollworm, Pink bollworm Sucking insect Pests
Dose :300-600 ml./ Acre
Packing :500 ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Stem borer, leaf roller, bollworms, termite Cut Worm
Dose :300-500 ml./ Acre
Packing :500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Stem borer, Leaf Roller, Gall midge, Hispa Whorl maggot, Por borer, Black bug, Cut worm, Early shoot & Stalk borer, Pyrilla, Aphid, Bollworm, White fly. Root grub, Leaf hopper, Black citrus, Ground beetle, Termite
Dose :500-1200 ml./ Acre
Packing :500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Fungal : Boll Worm, American Boll Worm, Pink Boll Worm, Early Shoot Borer, Shoot And Fruit Borer Sawfly, Aphids
Dose :200-400 ml./ Acre
Packing :500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Fungal :Spotted Boll Worm, American Boll Worm, Pink Boll Worm Early Shoot Borer Hairy Caterpillar Shoot and Fruit Borer Sawfly, Aphids
Dose :250-500ml/Acre
Packing :500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Aphids, Bollworms, Grey weevil, Jassids, Thrips Whitefly, Leaf miner, Mealy bug, Scale insect, Shoot borer, Stalk borer.
Dose :300-600 ml. / Acre
Packing :500ml. 1 ltr.
Target Pest :Jassids, Aphids, White Flies, Thrips, BPH
Dose :100-250 gm./ Acre
Packing :100 gm. 250 gm.
Target Pest : Trips, Aphids, Mites, Scale, Whitefly, Mealy Mealy Bugs. Target As Above Neemasol
Dose :200-300 ml./ Acre
Packing : 500ml. 1 Ltr.
Target Pest :Trips, Aphids, Mites, Scale, Whitefly, Mealy Mealy Bugs.
Dose :500-600 ml. / Acre
Packing :500ml. 1 Ltr.
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